Fruits & Vegetables
Alphonso Mango 500G
ر.ق 50.00The Alphonso mango, popularly known in Western India as ‘Hapus’, is often given the epithet ‘The King of Mangoes. However, not many know that this delicious variety of mango was created,so that it could be ‘cut and served’ on the table. The Alphonso mango was named after the Portuguese Viceroy, Alfonso de Albuquerque, who conquered Goa and laid the foundations of the Portuguese Empire in Asia. Mango, botanically known as ‘Magnifera Indica’is a fruit that is native to India and whose history goes back several millennia.
Apple Red 1KG
ر.ق 90.00Apples are not just crunchy, sweet and satisfying. As part of a smart diet, they can help protect against serious diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more. Consider them your healthy secret weapon.
You’ve heard it a zillion times: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Turns out there’s more truth to that than you might think. Studies show apples have powerful health benefits, particularly when it comes to fighting chronic diseases that kill millions of people each year. Here’s a short list of how eating more apples can help keep you healthy, along with some apple-licious ways to add them to your meals.
Apple Red 500G
ر.ق 45.00Apples are not just crunchy, sweet and satisfying. As part of a smart diet, they can help protect against serious diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and more. Consider them your healthy secret weapon.
You’ve heard it a zillion times: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Turns out there’s more truth to that than you might think. Studies show apples have powerful health benefits, particularly when it comes to fighting chronic diseases that kill millions of people each year. Here’s a short list of how eating more apples can help keep you healthy, along with some apple-licious ways to add them to your meals.
ر.ق 18.00As its name suggests, ash gourd is grey or ash in colour and is a big vegetable like pumpkin. Its botanical name is Benincasa Hispida. It is also known with other names like white gourd, winter melon and fuzzy melon. It is native to Southeast Asia, grown in India, China other East Asian countries. In India it is commonly known as Petha. It is usually cultivated for its medicinal and nourishing benefits.
ر.ق 70.00 – ر.ق 250.00The avocado is an evergreen, tropical tree with green, pear-shaped, nutrient-dense fruit. The term avocado refers to both the tree and the fruit.
Avocados come in hundreds of different varieties. And the tree is a member of the flowering plant family, Lauraceae. -
ر.ق 22.00The banana tree is the ideal to look up to when it comes to a ‗no wastage‘ policy! Almost all parts of the banana tree can be used. The most obvious is the fruit—bananas that we eat almost daily. But, other parts of the tree also offer many health benefits! Both the South Asians and Southeast Asians use banana flowers as a vegetable. They use it either raw or steamed with dips. They also use those in soups, curries and fried foods. The flavor resembles that of artichoke. Like artichokes, both the fleshy part of the bracts and the heart are edible.
Banana Kadali
ر.ق 20.00 – ر.ق 135.00An instant energy booster, banana is one fruit that is commonly available across the globe. In India, it is given much importance where various regional cuisines use it in making sinful desserts – kheer, malpua, halwa, payasam, sheera, and paniyaram, to name a few. The raw fruit too is not left behind. Cut into smaller chunks or thinly sliced using a mandolin, it gets used up in making wafers, subzis, kebabs, pakoras, and the famous curries of Kerala such as Avial and Kalan. If you travel towards the East and the Northeast, you will come across it in the local breakfast cereal, known as jolpan in Assam, which usually contains puffed or sticky rice mixed with curd and jaggery, and topped with banana pieces. It is a common feature in breakfast menus, and it is definitely with good reason. It provides you instant energy to kickstart your day, and is said to be very good for the stomach.
Banana Nendran 500G
ر.ق 40.00An instant energy booster, banana is one fruit that is commonly available across the globe. In India, it is given much importance where various regional cuisines use it in making sinful desserts – kheer, malpua, halwa, payasam, sheera, and paniyaram, to name a few. The raw fruit too is not left behind. Cut into smaller chunks or thinly sliced using a mandolin, it gets used up in making wafers, subzis, kebabs, pakoras, and the famous curries of Kerala such as Avial and Kalan.
ر.ق 17.00You know a fruit is powerhouse of nutrients when it can be savoured equally both in its raw and ripe forms. Not many fruits around the world enjoy such a massive fan following. Banana is one such fruit, which is mainstay in every fruit basket around the globe. In India however, bananas are also cherished in their raw form. Green banana or kaccha kela is part of many savoury Indian preparations. It can be steamed, boiled, stir-fried, batter-fried, deep-fried, mashed and curried, and also be used as a stuffing, in salads or in dips. In Kerala, you can also find chips made of raw banana. Macrobiotic nutritionist and Health practitioner Shilpa Arora says, “Green bananas are full of fibre with are good for people with digestive and bowel problems. It is especially beneficial for people with IBS and constipation. It is loaded with potassium, which acts as a vasodilator. Potassium helps in regulating blood pressure levels. It is a powerhouse of nutrients, that works effectively for diabetics. It enables slow release in sugar. Green banana needs to be cooked for better absorption of nutrients.
ر.ق 24.00Did you know that bitter gourd or karela is not really a vegetable but a fruit? The part of the plant that is used for consumption and for various medicinal purposes is the fruit of the bitter squash. While we‘ve been so busy condemning its bitter taste, we‘ve not only overlooked this fact but also the wide range of benefits that drinking bitter gourd juice offers. Bitter gourd juice contains a train of important nutrients ranging from iron, magnesium and vitamin to potassium and vitamin C. An excellent source of dietary fiber, it also contains twice the calcium of spinach, beta-carotene of broccoli, and the potassium of a banana. Here are some crucial benefits of drinking bitter gourd juice. A quick tip to reduce the bitterness of the drink is to add some honey or jaggery to it or pair it with sweet fruits like apple or pears. You can even add lemon juice to lessen the harsh taste of bitter melon juice. A pinch of black pepper and ginger can also decrease the tartness. The taste however, needs to be developed because contrary to its name bitter gourd is in fact sweet for your health. We give you some amazing benefits of bitter gourd.
ر.ق 23.00Health Benefits of Bottlegourd-Sorakaya, nutritional values Of Bottlegourd-Sorakaya, Bottlegourd-Sorakaya used in curing disease treatment The varied health benefits of bottlegourd have long been recognized in Indian medicinal systems like Ayurveda. Bottlegourd has wonderful health-promoting and curative properties and is used as a remedy for many different ailments.The bottlegourd belongs to the cucumber family and originated in Africa, and is now available in most parts of the world. This vegetable comes in different shapes, the most common being the bottle-shaped (hence the name) and round.
ر.ق 18.00Commonly known as the eggplant, brinjal is one of the most easily available and affordable vegetables. In its unripe form, it is a large greenish-whitish vegetable and when ripe, it turns a deep violet. Brinjal can be cooked in many different ways and provides many essential nutrients that are needed for overall well-being of the body. In fact, one can even take brinjal soup to attain maximum benefits from this vegetable.
ر.ق 55.00The lablab bean is a variety of annual, dolichos beans. The black-eyed peas and yard-long beans are other close relatives. Hyacinth is a tropical perennial twining plant requires trellis to support its growth. It continues to grow as short-term perennial as long as moisture and weather permits.
Purple/white flowers appear in clusters which develop into flat, thick, slightly curved green pods with pointing ends. Each pod normally contains two to six round or oval, light green, cream, black, brown or mottled seeds. The seeds also exhibit prominent white hilum, usually covering one third of the seed. -
ر.ق 40.00Despite its impressive nutrient content, cabbage is often overlooked.While it may look a lot like lettuce, it actually belongs to the Brassica genus of vegetables, which includes broccoli, cauliflower and kale (1).It comes in a variety of shapes and colors, including red, purple, white and green, and its leaves can be either crinkled or smooth.This vegetable has been grown around the world for thousands of years and can be found in a variety of dishes, including sauerkraut, kimchi and coleslaw.
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Even though cabbage is very low in calories, it has an impressive nutrient profile.
In fact, just 1 cup (89 grams) of raw green cabbage contains (2): -
ر.ق 22.00A fresh, crisp green bell pepper is a tasty vegetable that can be a regular part of your healthy eating plan. This vegetable is low in calories and contains 0 grams of fat and a good supply vitamins and minerals. Their mildly sweet flavor makes green bell peppers versatile enough to include a wide variety of nutritious recipes.
Carrot 250G
ر.ق 18.00Carrots (Daucus carota L) are one of the most widely used and important root vegetables in the world, partly because they grow relatively easily. They are versatile in a number of dishes and cultural cuisines and are found in different colors such as orange, purple, white, yellow, and red. The taproot of the carrot is the part of the vegetable most commonly eaten, although the greens are still beneficial in salads and other forms.
ر.ق 40.00Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which includes broccoli, kale, and cabbage. [1] It derives its name from the Latin word ‘caulis‘ which means cabbage with a flower. The florets on the head of the cauliflower, also known as curd, are tightly clustered and consist of immature flower buds attached to a central stalk. To protect the flavor and softness of the cauliflower heads, they are kept away from sunlight to prevent the development of chlorophyll pigment and over-maturity. It is considered to be ancient Asia but it re-emerged in the Mediterranean region, Turkey, and Italy in 600 BC. Around the mid-16th century, this vegetable achieved recognition in France and Northern Europe. Today, India, China, Italy, France, and the United States are among the top producers of cauliflower throughout the world.
ر.ق 18.00Celery is a plant of the Apiaceae family and is consumed as a vegetable. It has long fibrous stalks that are generally eaten as a snack for its low-calorific value. It can be found throughout the world and is an integral part of certain cuisines. It is most commonly found in soups and salads, or as a garnish to certain dishes. The origins of celery most likely trace back to the Mediterranean and North African areas, since what is believed to be a rudimentary variety of species of celery was found in King Tut’s tomb, and a plant closely resembling it is referenced multiple times in Mediterranean myth and history. The plant is now cultivated globally and is a part of every cuisine from America and Ireland to Japan and Australia.
ر.ق 18.00Tomato is technically considered a fruit but is generally lumped into the category of vegetables as a practice. Tomatoes form an integral part of cuisines across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to health, along with improving the flavor of food. You can find them in different foods like pasta, pizzas, ketchup, and various beverages. They are relatively easy to cultivate and grow very quickly, making them a great food source, which is a big reason why tomatoes are a staple food for many nations.
Chikku 500G
ر.ق 55.00The heady sweet aroma of sapota is unmistakable, with its fleshy brown skin and grainy sweetness in the inside. It’s quite easy to either love the sapota or hate it. But taking the middle path, we’re not quite sure.
We have something to thank the Spanish for. Had it not been for them, the chickoo, chikoo or sapota would have perhaps never come to India. With its roots in Mexico, Easter Guatemala and Belize (on the eastern coast of central America), the Colonisers took it to the Philippines from where it travelled to the rest of Asia, making its way into India only in the late nineteenth century.
ر.ق 10.00A small straight, shrub-like branched plant with green and red fruits used as taste enhancer and seasoning. Chilies are a household name and an essential ingredient in every house in India, Mexican and Thai cuisines. More than 200 different species of chilies have been identified, which contain capsaicin which is an active ingredient and extremely advantageous to the respiration process, heart and the blood pressure. Capsaicin is the main reason of the warmth and has a significant effect on increasing the blood circulation and also stimulates the palate. The body releases sweat after consuming, but that has a cooling effect on your body, which is the reason chillies are found in abundance in steamy and humid areas.
ر.ق 15.00The guar bean or cluster bean , is definitely an annual legume, is definitely the method of obtaining guar gum. Guar could be consumed like a green bean, yet is much more essential as the original source of guar gum. Younger, fresh cluster beans have got a narrow as well as long body together with tiny pods. They‘re extremely popular veggie. They are indigenous to India and therefore are broadly grown, not just in Andhra but additionally in other areas of country (dry, warm and arid regions). Young ones are collected for veggie use. The mature pods – the seeds are collected to be dried as well as powdered to flour referred to as guar gum. Guar gum is utilized as thickening agent in industrial food preparations just like ice creams etc. The cluster beans are not only seen lower in calories but they are extremely great at decreasing the blood sugar levels as well as cholesterol levels. Rajasthan grows the majority of the guar manufactured in India and it‘s also collected in October-November. However, this veggie can be obtained all year round generally in most marketplaces.
ر.ق 22.00Ivy gourd is a plant grown in tropical climates that is used for food and medicinal purposes. There are different species of ivy gourd, including Coccinia indica, Coccinia cordifolia, and Coccinia grandis, which are often compared to bitter melon. In addition to being a staple of Indian, Indonesian, and Thai cuisines, the fruit is believed to offer health benefits. Available as a dietary supplement, ivy gourd is said to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may aid in the prevention or treatment of a diverse range of health conditions, from diabetes and high cholesterol to high blood pressure and obesity.
ر.ق 14.00They help to reduce the swelling that is caused by these two conditions. For other swelling conditions, such as swelling due to kidney malfunction or anemia, it is also seen to be effective to some extent, because some of the components in coriander help induce urination and the release of excess water from the body. The reduction in skin inflammation leads to a reduction in discomfort, and an improvement in skin appearance. The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders such as eczema, dryness and fungal infections.
ر.ق 19.00The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an annual herbaceous legume from the genus Vigna. Due to its tolerance for sandy soil and low rainfall, it is an important crop in the semiarid regions across Africa and Asia. It requires very few inputs, as the plant’s root nodules are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, making it a valuable crop for resource-poor farmers and well-suited to intercropping with other crops. The whole plant is used as forage for animals, with its use as cattle feed likely responsible for its name.
ر.ق 18.00Crunchy, cooling and ever-so delightful, cucumber is an essential part of our summer diet. From sandwiches to salads and dips, the versatile veggie can be show-stealer wherever you put it in. Belonging to the gourd family, cucumber is scientifically known as Cucumis sativus. The water-rich veggie originally hails from south Asia, but is now cultivated across many continents. Since it is the ultimate cooling food, it is used in many summer recipes. Cucumbers are best consumed raw. Cucumber is a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins and electrolytes. Health Practitioner, Nutritionist and certified Macrobiotic Health Coach, Shilpa Arora says, “Cucumber is packed with nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, iron, silica, calcium and zinc.” So, here are a few cucumber nutrition facts that you may not have known.
ر.ق 22.00Crunchy, cooling and ever-so delightful, cucumber is an essential part of our summer diet. From sandwiches to salads and dips, the versatile veggie can be show-stealer wherever you put it in. Belonging to the gourd family, cucumber is scientifically known as Cucumis sativus. The water-rich veggie originally hails from south Asia, but is now cultivated across many continents. Since it is the ultimate cooling food, it is used in many summer recipes. Cucumbers are best consumed raw. Cucumber is a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins and electrolytes. Health Practitioner, Nutritionist and certified Macrobiotic Health Coach, Shilpa Arora says, “Cucumber is packed with nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, iron, silica, calcium and zinc.” So, here are a few cucumber nutrition facts that you may not have known.
ر.ق 9.00Curry leaves or kadi patta are popular in India because of its aroma and striking taste. The curry leaf tree was originally grown in India for its aromatic leaves. It slowly made way to many Asian kitchens because of its amazing and distinct flavour. Curry leaves are an essential ingredient in Kadhi Pakoda, which is quite a popular delicacy in many parts of the country. Besides, curry leaves can be added to numerous dishes. However, there is much more to curry leaves apart from their distinct flavour. Curry leaves can also be used for weight loss. They are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and B2. Curry leaves are also said to be good sources of iron and calcium. Because of this reason, curry leaves are used as part of folklore medicine to treat calcium deficiency and several other conditions.
ر.ق 15.00You may have hated seeing them in your lunchbox, but the fact is that green beans are some of the most nutritional vegetables children can eat. And your parents knew that well. One of the oldest cultivated vegetables, green beans have many varieties you could pick from – String beans, French beans or Snap beans are all rich in vitamins A, C, and K, they are a good source of folic acid and heart protective calcium and fiber. Harvesting green beans is an interesting process. The book ‗Healing Foods‘ writes, ―fresh green beans are edible pods picked early in the plant‘s growth cycle. As they mature, the pods become tough, fibrous and inedible‖.
ر.ق 20.00There is something irresistible about the aroma of roasted garlic. It is so captivating with its powerful notes, that it has long been used as a flavour booster in curries, stir-fries, pizza toppings, pastas, meat preparations, dips – you name it! It has the power to instantly liven up any dish and treat some of the most common ailments. While garlic is a common ingredient in every kitchen, in the ancient times, it was highly valued for its numerous health benefiting properties, which are still followed in many cultures today. Our ancestors have used it as a bug-repellant, Medieval Europe against plague and the Egyptians would even bury it along with their dead! Some benefits of garlic are credited to the presence of the sulphur-containing compound, Allicin, found in fresh, crushed or chewed garlic, due to which it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Some startling claims mention that it may help prevent some forms of cancer too. The health benefits of garlic are aplenty. Garlic is a part of the onion family and the ‘bulb’ of this herb typically consists of 10-20 smaller sections called the ‘cloves’. Each small clove is a powerhouse of flavour as well as medicinal properties. Every 100 grams of garlic will serve you with close to 150 calories, 33 grams of carbs, 6.36 grams of protein. Garlic is also enriched with Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc.
ر.ق 20.00Ginger is among the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet.
It is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain. -
ر.ق 27.00The Indian gooseberry, also known as amla or amalaki, is a nutritious fruit of a tree that mainly grows in India, the Middle East, and some Southeast Asian countries. This fruit is known for its high vitamin C content. Due to its powerful antioxidant properties, it has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to boost immunity and improve health. Traditionally, it has been used to treat cold and cough, improve digestion, enhance fertility, and improve hair growth.
Grapes black 250
ر.ق 25.00Black grapes, which are known for their velvety colour and sweet flavour, come packed with nutrients and antioxidants. With their cultivation dating back to 6,000 to 8,000 years ago, they are said to be the oldest cultivated fruit in the Near East and Europe, and are botanically known as Vitis vinifera. There are two widely known species of black grapes: the old world species is native to the area across the southeast coast of the Black Sea (near the south of the Caspian Sea) to Afghanistan and is still found in these regions
ر.ق 17.00Okra is a flowering plant known for its edible seed pods. It‘s cultivated in warm and tropical climates, such as those in Africa and South Asia.
Sometimes referred to as ―lady‘s finger,‖ okra comes in two colors — red and green. Both varieties taste the same, and the red one turns green when cooked.
Biologically classified as a fruit, okra is generally utilized like a vegetable in cooking.
It‘s frequently used in Southern American cuisine and a popular addition to gumbo. Yet, it can have a slimy texture, which some people find unappealing. -
ر.ق 20.00Lemons are high in vitamin C, fiber, and various beneficial plant compounds.
These nutrients are responsible for several health benefits.
In fact, lemons may support heart health, weight control, and digestive health. -
ر.ق 8.00Mint is an aromatic herb produced by various species of the mint plant (Mentha). Native to the eastern Mediterranean, mint gets its name from a mythic nymph named Minthe (Mintho). Jealous Persephone turned her into a lowly mint plant after she had an affair with Pluto, the god of the underworld. The mint plant is common and a favorite of many gardeners, so it’s easy to grow your own. As an herb, it is gluten-free and suitable for vegan, vegetarian, and paleo diets.
ر.ق 22.00All mushrooms are fungi and they produce spores, similar to pollen or seeds, which allows them to spread or travel by the wind. The rest of the mushroom then matures, typically living in soil or wood. There are many different types of mushrooms, some of which are edible including well-known species such as button, oyster, porcini and chanterelles. There are, however, many species that are not edible and can in fact cause stomach pains or vomiting if eaten, and in some cases could be fatal, such as the common death cap mushroom.
ر.ق 26.00Shallots are extensively cultivated for culinary uses, propagated by offsets. In some regions (“long-season areas”), the offsets are usually planted in autumn (September or October in the Northern Hemisphere).[9] In some other regions, the suggested planting time for the principal crop is early spring (typically in February or the beginning of March in the Northern Hemisphere).[10] In planting,
ر.ق 35.00Juicy, sweet mandarins are a favorite snack for many children. This fruit can be eaten raw, incorporated into desserts or made into a sauce and drizzled over seafood. Mandarins are rich in vitamin C and contain vitamin A. They also contain dietary fibre and nutrients and minerals such as potassium and manganese. In Victoria, mandarins are at their peak between May and August.
Orange-Mosambi 500G
ر.ق 45.00Sweet lime, also known as ‘Mosambi’, is grown in Northeast hills of India and is mostly available between July and August. During summers, it is hard to avoid a cup of pale yellow drink sold by the street vendors called ‘Mosambi Juice’. The juice is a hot favorite in India which is consumed not only for its taste but also for an array of health benefits it offers.
ر.ق 22.00Carrots are scientifically classified as Daucus carota and they are categorized as a root vegetable. This vegetable is usually orange in colour although purple, black, red, white and yellow variations also exist. The most commonly eaten part is the taproot but the green part is sometimes eaten as well. The most commonly eaten variety of carrot is the domesticated variation of the wild species and is native to Europe and Southwestern Asia.
ر.ق 45.00 – ر.ق 115.00Christopher Columbus, an Italian voyager once referred to papayas as the fruit of the angels. The fruit which is extremely rich in Vitamin C has a wide range of health benefits making it a great fruit option to include in your diet. Here are some of the top health benefits of papaya.
ر.ق 12.00Parsley is an aromatic plant with fresh green leaves widely used in cooking.
Pear 500G
A pear is a mild, sweet fruit with a fibrous center. Pears are rich in essential antioxidants, plant compounds, and dietary fiber. They pack all of these nutrients in a fat free, cholesterol free, 100 calorie package.As part of a balanced, nutritious diet, consuming pears could support weight loss and reduce a person’s risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
ر.ق 45.00 – ر.ق 190.00Pineapples are tropical fruits that are rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. They may help boost the immune system, build strong bones and aid indigestion. And, despite their sweetness, pineapples are low in calories.